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Past members

Carmelo Gianchino

I graduated in Agricultural Sciences and Technologies in Bologna with a mycology thesis  in collaboration with the University of Turin. Currently I'm a Ph-D student at UniVAQ. My field of expertise is mycology, in particular the breeding of epigean and hypogeal fungi through the application of molecular biotechnologies and the creation of new processes for their cultivation. I'm interested in the development of new mushrooms variety lines belonging to Italian gastronomic tourism.

Giorgia Ferella

I’m working at University of L’Aquila with a fellowship on implementation, management and processing of Geobotanical data (GIS based). I’m working on some projects about vegetation analysis, cartography and landscape planning. I'm interested in Naturalistic Engineering, and I’m the secretary of the Abruzzo section of AIPIN (Italian Association for Naturalistic Engineering) and a member of the board of directiors of both national and Abruzzo section.

Giulia Console

I am a PhD student in Environmental Sciences. My experiencies concern zoology and animal behaviour, in particular the study of italian bats. I got these skills during the bachelor and master degree studies. In particular, I monitored a forest bat species by radio-tracking and by the use of bat-detectors. Currently I am focusing on ecological modeling of Italian vertebrate fauna with some applications of biodiversity conservation.


Valter Di Cecco

I have a Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences and now I’m a fellow at the MESVA department of the University of L'Aquila. I deal mainly with Plant Ecology, with particular regard to the Seed Ecology. I also collaborate with the Majella National Park in the Majella Seed Bank. Now I'm working in a LIFE project, named FLORANET, which aims at the conservation of threatened endemic plant species.

Walter De Simone

I graduated in Management of Terrestrial and Freshwaters Ecosystems and I'm a UAV Pilot. I have a fellowship at University of L’Aquila, where I'm working with GIS analysis for environmental planning, landscape and vegetation analysis. Now my research is focused on the elaboration of high resolution remote sensing images (Sentinel-2 of the European Copernicus Program) of the areas affected by fire through the implementation of semi-automatic procedures in R environment.



Ecologia Vegetale

Dr. Valter Di Cecco, PhD

Bachelor degree in Environmental Sciences

Fauna degli ambienti sotterranei

Dr. Mattia Iannella, PhD

Bachelor degree in Environmental Sciences-Biology

Strumenti di gestione e tutela in aree protette

Dr. Mattia Iannella, PhD

Bachelor degree in Environmental Sciences-Biology






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